Hello everyone, I apologize as I have gotten lazy and haven't updated
this blog in such a long time. I am not even sure anyone is following
this blog anymore. Any way, instead of posting a whole bunch about what
is going on I figure I will post pictures of Ivy, followed by a video,
to get you up to date on her. Then I will keep up with this blog from
here on out and tell you more about what is going on in our lives. The
last I posted was April, Ivy was about 3 months old. She is not 8 1/2
months old. So here are some pictures of her through out the months. I
hope you enjoy, and I will do a better job at keeping you up on what is
going on with us and our family.
4 Months Old

5 Months Old
6 Months Old
7 Months Old
Current 8 1/2 months Old
Here is what she started doing as of this week. She is going to be walking on her own before we know it.