Then after we checked in our hotel we went to this nice part of town called St. Catherine's. We shared some mussels and fries and had some lovely Belgium beer. I apologize, some how I never took pictures of our hotel. I am only posting a few pictures but I took 300.
We were all tired went back to the hotel and went to sleep. The next day we started early and headed towards the Grand place. On the way we stopped by a Church (pics not posted) then headed to the Grand place. Now I haven' t been a lot of places but Kevin has. We both agree that this square is among the most beautiful and since I have a long post I did not post a lot of pics but it was gorgeous. I will say this much though. The carpet of flowers was very disappointing. I am not sure if it was a bad time of the year, but inside the grand place they had a florentine flower display this weekend but pictures were not allowed. 
Then we headed to the Royal palace/ It was a very nice palace. The gardens out front were gorgeous and the inside well what palace is not beautiful. Sorry for not posting all 30 pics I took but I hope from this you can tell its pretty.
At the end they had a section where you could make paper flowers. I am usually creative but just didn't have it in me on Friday. Ivy loved the flowers I made even though they were a sight. However, she loved them so much she destroyed them before the day was over.
Then we headed to the famous Peeing boy and it was tiny. I just don't understand the big deal around it but there were hundreds of people taking pictures and Kevin wanted me to take one while he got us a table and ordered beers. I hope you like it, I was pushed almost in front of a truck taking his picture. That is the French for you!!!
Then on our way home we stopped by a market and I picked up these nice handmade sandals. They are comfy and quite cute for 25€ I hope they hold up better then my bass outlet sandals that lasted 3 months!!!
The next day we headed to the Da Vinci Exhibit. I have to say it was quite interesting and I learned a lot. Yes, I learned about his art and his works in Art History in College. I learned about his contribution to photography in photography class, and I knew about some of the machines he invented. I just had no idea how much he had really done and the ideas he came up with. I will only share a few pictures but some day you will have to see all of them and if you ever get the chance to see the exhibit, please do. Its well worth the money.
Then we toured a Brewery in Brussels. It was the last Lambic beer in Brussels. Lambic being one with our carbonation. It was interesting and well worth the tour. The beer was not to my liking but we had to go as it was stated to be the best in the world. Not in our opinion but still and good tour and we came home with some beer.
Then we went to get some chocolate and while Kevin was buying Ivy was having fun popping bubbles that a street entertainer was making. Stupid me missed a lot of good video opportunities as Kevin had my good camera and it took me forever to realize I had my phone. Here is a short clip of her popping a bubble. She had a blast and I really wish I has gotten some better video.
Then we went back to the Grand Place and got some dinner. Below is a pic of Ivy and Kevin. Yes, Kevin got a king size beer. I think its bigger then his head???
We had a great time but we are tired. Ivy went to bed early and now its time for me to go to bed. I will be back mid week. I hope you all had a lovely weekend as well!!!
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