Well I apologize for not posting in 3 weeks. Things have been very busy here on my end. We went to Helsinki and right before our trip I spent 3 days running around getting all the things Ivy needed for daycare. Here they play outside even when its wet, not raining but yes wet. So I had to buy her rubber pants, rain boots, and coat. A few other items we did not already own that the daycare required. Then we went to Helsinki and had a fabulous time. We got back and she started daycare. They required that she go a few hours every day to start for 2 weeks until she was comfortable with them and her surroundings , plus they required I come for a few days and sit in a chair and be there for her if she needed me. Needless to say, this ate up some of my time and any free time was spent running around doing my errands, grocery shopping etc. In addition to this Ivy got sick at the end of her first week then this week I was sick. So we have been busy but things should be settling down and I should be able to catch up over the next few days before we take our next small trip this weekend to Strasbourg France. Kevin has a holiday on Friday so we are going for a nice short relaxing visit to France. Before Helsinki I had said I was going to do a post on some really cute pictures of Ivy. Since I haven't even thought about downloading my Helsinki pictures just yet, I will go ahead and start with this post. In the next day or two you can expect a post on Helsinki followed by a post on what we have been up too. We have had a lot of fun times and fun activities I am sorry to that I am behind on sharing but I will share and you will not miss out. I promise!! So I bought a robe for myself when I went shopping a few weeks ago. It was the same time when I bought Ivy her clothes. Well, she decided she liked my robe a lot and it reminded me that we have a robe for her. It was a hand me down from a girl at work. Its almost too small now, but Ivy loves it. She has to have it on right after her bath and she wears it with her pajama pants until bed time when we put her top on. She is just the cutest and is so proud of her robe!!!

Kevin and Ivy frequently get on the Nation Geographic site and look at lions. It is one of her favorite evening activities. They don't do it every night but she does look forward to looking at lions with her daddy. Here are two really cute pictures of them on the computer watching the Serengeti lions./
Right before we went to Helsinki, I finally got up the nerve to get a few highlights and a new haircut. I like the style and the color. I only had them do a few foils in the top nothing too crazy but I do like how it turned out.
Finally, it was a cool day outside, but Kevin was determined to sit outside to do some work. He wore his chef pants from Phillips, his polish slippers, his cardigan in which we refer to as the grandpa sweater, and his Scottish looking hat from LandsEnd. I just had to share with you his style!!!!
If all goes well tomorrow and Ivy isn't still sick, she isn't eating much, is congested and has a low grade fever, Then I will post either tomorrow or Tuesday about our Helsinki trip!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I will be in touch soon!!!
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